71th Annual URS Paak Hazrat Baba Wilayat Shah Qadri Noshahi (RA);

It's a 71th Annual URS Paak Hazrat Baba Wilayat Shah Qadri Noshahi (RA) where various Islamic scholars and Naat Khawans will come and offer their performances. We invite all Muslims in this spiritual event.
Organized By: Zavia Noshahi
Date: 07th October, 2018. (Sunday)
Overseas Muslims will participate in this event via #facebook_live only on Zavia Noshahi (Page)
Facebook Page Link: https://web.facebook.com/zaviaofficial
For Further Details, you may contact us:
Phone: 00923006012592 / 00923006005218
Email: zavianoshahisgd@gmail.com
